Handing that new phone or tablet to your child can feel stressful! Smartphone 101 is designed to give your child a head start in thinking about all the complex issues that come with being a phone owner.
What you'll get:
- Your child will hear from older teens about ways to be safe, stay balanced, keep information private and conduct online relationships.
- Downloadable guides and tip sheet will support your child and are available to them with a simple click on their new device.
- An easy way to get the conversation started about online smarts and safety between you and your child
Simply put it on your child's new device and they will have it at their disposal whenever they need guidance.
While Smartphone 101 gives your child strategies for navigating the online world, we believe there is no substitute for the support of a parent or trusted adult. With that in mind, Smartphone 101 always encourages kids to turn to their parents when difficult or tricky situations arise online.